Settings for Mass and Holy Eucharist
Missa cantoribus viatoribus (Canterbury Mass) - Kyrie (2017)
Lord have mercy
SATB(div) and organ
Awaiting first performance.
Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Jun 2018.
Missa cantoribus viatoribus (Canterbury Mass) - Gloria (2017)
Glory be to God on high
SATB(div) and organ
Performances: The King's Counterpoint.
Venues: Canterbury Cathedral.
World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Holy Eucharist, Canterbury Cathedral. Aug 12th 2018.
Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Jun 2018.
Missa cantoribus viatoribus (Canterbury Mass) - Sanctus & Benedictus (2017)
Holy, holy holy and Blessed is he
SATB(div) and organ
Performances: The King's Counterpoint.
Venues: Canterbury Cathedral.
World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Holy Eucharist, Canterbury Cathedral. Aug 12th 2018.
Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Jun 2018.
Missa cantoribus viatoribus (Canterbury Mass) - Agnus Dei (2017)
O Lamb of God
SATB(div) and organ
Performances: The King's Counterpoint.
Venues: Canterbury Cathedral.
World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Holy Eucharist, Canterbury Cathedral. Aug 12th 2018.
Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Jun 2018.
Missa brevis choro auxiliari Wellensi (2013)
Kyrie eleison, Gloria in excelsis Deo, Sanctus and Benedictus, Agnus Dei
SATB with div and organ
Performances: Wells Cathedral Voluntary Choir. Venues: Wells Cathedral.
World premiere: Wells Cathedral Voluntary Choir, dir Michael Cockerham, organist James Kealey. Sunday Eucharist, Wells Cathedral. May 28th 2017.
This recording: Alexandra Burch (SA) and Matt Curtis (TB). Dec 2021.
Score: Published by Chichester Music Press.