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Unaccompanied settings of English and Latin sacred texts


Resplenduit facies ejus (2020)

His face shone (like the sun)


Performances: The Choir of Old St Andrew's Charleston SC, The King's Counterpoint. Venues: Old St Andrew's Charleston SC, Grace Church Cathedral Charleston SC, Buckfast Abbey.

World Premiere: The Church Choir dir David Acres. Eucharist, Old St Andrew's, Charleston SC. Feb 14th 2021. (Originally intended for Canterbury Cathedral Evensong Aug 6th 2021 by The King's Counterpoint but cancelled due to pandemic)

Recordings: 'Voces separatae' CD (various artists) Willowhayne Records WHR077CD.

This recording: Kinnison Choral. Dec 2021.

Score: Published by Chichester Music Press

O tu suavissima virga (2017)
Full choir ed.

O sweetest branch

Performances: The King's Counterpoint. Venues: Canterbury Cathedral. 

World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Evensong, Canterbury Cathedral. Aug 8th 2018. 

Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Soloist Orsi Sapszon. Budapest. May 2018.

O nata lux (2014)

O Light born of Light

SATB with divisi
Performances: Antiphon. Venues: Exeter Cathedral, Buckfast Abbey.

Recordings: Antiphon in Exeter Cathedral Lady Chapel for their 'O my people' CD, Willowhayne Records WHR038.
World premiere: Antiphon, dir Matthew Cann. Concert, Exeter Cathedral. Jan 30th 2016.

Recordings: 'O my people' CD (Antiphon) Willowhayne Records WHR038CD, 'Voces separatae' (various artists) CD Willowhayne Records WHR077CD.
This recording: Kinnison Choral. Jun 2021.

Score: Published by Chichester Music Press.

Nunc laudare debemus (2018)

Caedmon's Hymn


Performances: Gaudeamus. Venues: Gloucester Cathedral.

World premiere: Gloucester Cathedral commemorative evensong to mark the 1100th anniversary of the death of Queen Aethelflaed. Jun 12th 2018.

Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.

This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Feb 2018.

Score: Published by Chichester Music Press.

Justorum animae (2014, revd 2017)

The souls of the righteous

Performances:  Cantabile Chamber Singers, Fisher Consort. Venues: Grace Church Toronto, St Katharine Cree London. 
World premiere: (first ed) Cantabile Chamber Singers, dir Cheryll Chung. Concert, Grace Church Toronto. Nov 7th 2014.
World premiere (of this slightly revised ed): Fisher Consort, dir Jonathan Schranz. Brandenburg Choral Festival concert, St Katharine Cree London. Sep 22nd 2017.

Recordings: 'In memoriam' EP (Cambridge choral scholars) Concanenda, 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Sep 2017.

Score: Published by Chichester Music Press.

Absalon fili mi (2015)

King David laments the loss of his son Absalom

SATB with divisi
Performances: The King's Counterpoint. Venues: various services and concerts in Charleston SC including a 9/11 memorial concert at Grace Church Cathedral, Wells Cathedral and elsewhere.
World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Evensong, Wells Cathedral. Jul 13th 2016.

Recordings: 'Voces separatae' CD (various artists) Willowhayne Records WHR077CD.
This recording: Kinnison Choral. Jul 2021.

Score: Published by Chichester Music Press.

Eternal Rest (2018)

Let light perpetual shine upon them

Performances: Gaudeamus, Solstice. Venues: Gloucester Cathedral, Kirskstall Abbey.
World premiere: Gaudeamus. Gloucester Music Festival 2018 concert, Gloucester Cathedral. Jun 26th 2018.

Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. May 2018.

O magnum mysterium (2015)

O great mystery

Performances: University of Exeter Chapel Choir, Dulces Voces and others. Venues: Exeter Cathedral, University of Exeter Mary Harris Chapel, St Paul's Cathedral Valletta concert for Her Majesty the Queen's 90th birthday and elsewhere during their summer 2016 tour of Malta, Holy Trinity Lincoln Nebraska and elsewhere.
World premiere: University of Exeter Chapel Choir, dir Michael Graham. Christmas Concert, St James's Church Exeter. Dec 9th 2015.

Recordings: 'Voces separatae' CD (various artists) Willowhayne Records WHR077CD.
This recording: Kinnison Choral, May 2021.

Score: Published by Chichester Music Press.

Rehearsal tracks: Available from Kinnison Choral Co.


Ave Maria (2012)

Hail Mary full of grace

Performances: various Cambridge UK choral scholar ensembles, university choirs in the States and others. Venues: Fisher House Chapel Cambridge, Buckfast Abbey, St Stephen's London, University of Nebraska and elsewhere.
World premiere: FourFour (Cambridge choral scholars), dir Jonathan Schranz. Advent concert, Cambridge University Catholic Chaplaincy, Fisher House. Nov 28th 2014.
US premiere: Dulces Voces. Christmas Concert, Holy Trinity Lincoln Nebraska. Dec 12th 2015.

Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.

This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Sep 2017.

In memoriam; Ricardus Rex (2013)

O Lord how many are my foes

SATB with divisi
Performances: the cathedral choirs of Gloucester, Nottingham, Leicester, Wells (Voluntary), Counterpoint and others. Venues: The Requiem Mass for King Richard III at Holy Cross Priory Leicester led by His Eminence Cardinal Nichols the Archbishop of Westminster. Also Buckfast Abbey, evensong at Gloucester and Leicester cathedrals, the Bishop's Palace Wells and elsewhere.
World premiere: Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Concert, Buckfast Abbey. July 6th 2013.

Recordings: 'In memoriam' EP (Cambridge choral scholars) Concanenda.
This recording: Concanenda (Cambridge choral scholars) dir Alexandra Schwinn, produced Adrian Peacock. St Cyriacs Swaffham Prior Cambridge. Jun 2014.

In memoriam; Ricardus Rex (2013)

O Lord how many are my foes

SATB with divisi restricted to upper voices (simplified ed)

Performances: Gaudeamus.

Venues: Gloucester Cathedral.

World premiere (simplified ed): Gaudeamus. Gloucester Music Festival 2018 concert, Gloucester Cathedral. Jun 26th 2018.

Recordings: 'Voces separatae' CD (various artists) Willowhayne Records WHR077CD.
This recording: Kinnison Choral. Dec 2021.

O salutaris Hostia (2016)

O salutary Victim

Awaiting first performance. Premiere cancelled due to pandemic.

Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.

This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Sep 2017.

The Church is built upon the earthly stone (2017)

Ancient Cyriac hymn

Awaiting performance.

Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Sep 2017.

Score: Published by Chichester Music Press.

And God shall wipe away all tears (2015)

Revelation 21:4

Performances: Fisher Consort. Venues: St John at Hackney London.
World premiere: Fisher Consort, dir Jonathan Schranz. Concert, St John at Hackney, London. Jul 22nd 2016.

This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Dec 2018.

Audivi vocem (2013)

I heard a voice coming from heaven

SATB and treble soloist
Performances: Selwyn College Cambridge choral scholars. Venues: Buckfast Abbey and elsewhere during their 2015 summer tour.
World premiere: Selwyn College Cambridge choral scholars, dir Jonathan Schranz. Concert, St Michael and All Angels Mt Dinham Exeter. Jun 29th 2015.
This recording: Voices of Prague.

O sacrum convivium (2013, revd 2023)

O sacred banquet


Performances: Chorale de l'Alma. Venues: Eglise Notre-Dame d'Espérance Louvain-la-neuve Belgium.
World premiere: Chorale de l'Alma, dir Clément Museur. Mass for Pentecost Sunday, Eglise Notre-Dame d'Espérance Louvain-la-neuve Belgium. May 28th 2023.

Recordings: 'O my people' CD (Antiphon) Willowhayne Records WHR038CD.

This recording: Rocky Mountain Chamber Choir, dir Clifford W King. May 2023.

O God whose hand hath spread the sky (2015)

Caeli Deus sanctissime

Performances: Fisher Consort, The King's Counterpoint. Venues: St John at Hackney London, St Philip's Episcopal Church and Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul (both Charleston USA) and elsewhere.
World premiere: Fisher Consort, dir Jonathan Schranz. Concert, St John at Hackney, London. Jul 22nd 2016
US premiere: As below.
This recording: The King's Counterpoint in concert, dir David Acres. St Philip's Episcopal Church Charleston SC - Piccolo Spoleto Festival USA. Jun 2017. 

No eye has seen, no ear has heard (2010, revd 2015)

St Paul's letter to the Corinthians

Performances: St Mark's School of Texas boys chapel choir, The King's Counterpoint, Vox Regis. Venues: St Mark's School of Texas evensong, Wells Cathedral, Canterbury Cathedral, 
Cathedral of St. Luke & St Paul Charleston SC.
World premiere: St Mark's School of Texas Chapel Choir (boys and scholars), dir Tinsley Silcox. Chapel evensong, St Mark's School of Texas. Jan 31st 2016.
UK premiere: The Kings Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Wells Cathedral Sunday eucharist. Jul 17th 2016.
This recording: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Wells Cathedral Chapter House. Jul 2016.

Beati qui custodiunt iudicium (2013)

Blessed are they that keep judgement

SATB with div
Performances: Choir of Selwyn College Cambridge UK, several US university and school chapel choirs. Venues: Selwyn College Cambridge Chapel, University of Nebraska, St Cloud State University, St Mark's School of Texas and elsewhere.
World premiere: Chapel Choir of St Mark's, University of Nebraska, dir Kurt Knecht. Chapel eucharist, Lincoln Nebraska. Sep 27th 2015.
UK premiere: Selwyn College Chapel Choir, dir Sarah Macdonald. All Saints' evensong, Selwyn College, Cambridge. Nov 1st 2015.
This recording: St Cloud State University Concert Choir, dir Peter Durow. Studio recording, St Cloud University Minnesota. Apr 2017.

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