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* = premiere



Feb 5th (18.30 time tbc)  Saint-Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium - Mass (nearest opportunity to Candlemas to accommodate choir schedule). Held in the presence of Their Eminences the Pope's Ambassador to Belgium and the Cardinal Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels. 'O lux beatissima'. University of Louvain Choir.


​Feb 17th (19.00) Old St Andrew's Parish Church, Charleston SC - concert (reprise of the 2017 Piccolo Spoleto USA program). 'O God whose hand hath spread the sky' (full choir ed). The King's Counterpoint.


​Feb 18th Hungarian Radio Studio 22 - recording session. 'O tu suavissima virga' (SATB ed), Latin setting of the 'Magnificat and Nunc dimittis'. Cantate Choir dir Zoltan Pad.


Feb 18th (18.00) Cathedral Church of St. Luke & St. Paul, Charleston SC - concert. 'O God whose hand hath spread the sky'. The King's Counterpoint dir David Acres. 


​Mar 2nd (19.30) Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Cleveland, Ohio - concert. 'O tu suavissima virga' (upper voices edition)*. Contrapunctus Early Music dir David Acres. 


​Apr 10th Hungarian Radio Studio 22, Budapest - recording session.'Missa cantoribus viatoribus', 'Nun laudare debemus'. Cantate Choir dir Zoltan Pad.


​Apr 28th (19.30) Cromer Parish Church, Cromer, Norfolk - concert; 21st Century Choral Music on the theme of Light. 'O lux beatissima'. Cromer and Sheringham Choral Society dir David Ballard, organist Jonathan Stamp.


​Jun 7th Hungarian Radio Studio 22, Budapest - recording session. 'O glorious Prince St Michael', 'UofE Service' and 'Eternal rest'. Cantate Choir dir Zoltan Pad.


​Jun 8th (17.30) St Oswald's Priory, Gloucester. 'Caeli Deus sanctissima'* commissioned for the City of Gloucester's commemorations marking the 1100th anniversary of the death of Queen Aethelflaed (daughter of Alfred the Great) who laid the foundations for the creation of England as it is today. Gaudeamus dir Sebastian Field.


​Jun 9th (12.00) Gloucester Docks then processing through the streets of Gloucester - recreation of a Saxon Funeral Procession for Queen Aethelflaed. A few short chants commemorating Aethelflaed, sung by the Gloucester Community Choir during the procession.


​Jun 12th (17.30) Gloucester Cathedral - at the end of evensong to close the commemorations of Queen Aethelflaed. 'Nunc laudare debemus'*. Cathedral lay-clerks.


​Jun 26th (19.30) Gloucester Cathedral Lady Chapel - Gloucester Music Festival 2018 concert. 'Nunc laudare debemus', 'Eternal rest'*, 'In memoriam; Ricardus Rex' and 'Deus cui proprium est'. Gaudeamus dir Sebastian Field.


​Jul 8th (11.00) Old St Andrew's, Charleston, SC - Holy Eucharist. 'Visit this place, O Lord'. The adult Parish Choir.


Aug 8th (17.30) Canterbury Cathedral - Evensong. 'O tu suavissima virga' (full choir ed)* and 'Latin Canticles'*. The King's Counterpoint dir David Acres. The soloist in the motet was Judith Acres.


Aug 12th (11.00) Canterbury Cathedral - Sunday Eucharist. 'Missa cantoribus viatoribus'*. The King's Counterpoint dir David Acres. 


​Sep 30th (11.00) St Michael and All Angels Mt Dinham, Exeter - Mass on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the church's consecration. 'O glorious Prince St Michael'*. Church choir dir Dr Neil A Page, organist Dr Nigel Browne.


​Nov 17th (15.30) Kirkstall Abbey - concert to commemorate Armistice and the centenary of the end of the First World War. 'Eternal rest'. Solstice (University of Leeds chamber choir).


​Nov 18th (11.00) Old St Andrew's, Charleston, SC - Holy Eucharist. 'Visit this place, O Lord'. The adult Parish Choir. 


​Dec 8th (19.30) Church of the Holy Trinity, Lincoln, Nebraska - Christmas Concert. 'O magnum mysterium'. Dulces Voces.


​Dec 16th Hungarian Radio Studio 22 - recording session. 'O tu suavissima virga' (soloist Orsi Sapszon), 'Lully, lullay', 'Guided by a shining star', 'And God shall wipe away all tears'. Cantate Choir dir Zoltan Pad.


​Dec 24th (23.30) St Michael and All Angels Mt Dinham, Exeter - Midnight Mass. 'O magnum mysterium'. Church choir dir Dr Neil A Page.


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