Composer of church music
My choral works are published by Chichester Music Press
Cambridge choral scholar ensemble Concanenda, dir Xann Shwinn, recorded several of my motets for their 'In memoriam' EP (2014). Antiphon, dir by Matt Cann, also recorded a couple of my choral works in Exeter Cathedral for their 'O my people' CD (2017) on the Willowhayne Records label (WHR038CDFP). A CD of my choral music 'Guardian of Heaven' (2020) has been released by the English Music Festival's label EM Records (EMR CD061). It was recorded in the Hungarian Radio Studios by international prize-winning choir Cantate, dir by Zoltan Pad. A second choral CD ‘Voces separatae’ (2022) sung by various artists has also been released by Willowhayne Records (WHR077CD).
​My sacred choral works, the earliest of which date back to 2010, have been sung in various UK cathedrals and university chapels involving regular and visiting choirs. In the past few years, these include the historic cathedrals of Exeter, Wells, Winchester, Gloucester, Canterbury, Bristol, Coventry, Southwark, Leicester and Wakefield as well as Selwyn College Chapel Cambridge, University of Exeter and Buckfast Abbey.
Further afield, my choral works have been sung in Christchurch Cathedral NZ, St Paul's Cathedral Valletta Malta, Cathedral Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity Onitsha Nigeria, St John the Divine Cathedral New York City, St John the Evangelist Cathedral Cleveland OH, Grace Church Cathedral Charleston SC, St Michael's Cathedral Springfield MA, St Paul's Cathedral Fond du Lac WI and a number of university chapels in the States. Professional and amateur choral ensembles worldwide have also sung my music across the USA and in Canada, New Zealand, Malta, Germany, Belgium, South Africa and Nigeria.
As 'composer-in-residence' for The King's Counterpoint, I've written music for their concerts in Charleston South Carolina and UK summer residencies at Wells Cathedral (2016) and residencies at Canterbury Cathedral and Westminster Abbey (2018 and 2022). The choir is directed and managed by David and Judith Acres, and I'm very grateful for their support. I'm also an associate composer for their sister high voice ensemble Contrapunctus Early Music based in Cleveland Ohio and the Fisher Consort in Cambridge UK directed by another much valued supporter, Dr Jonathan Schranz, Director of Music at St George's Cathedral Southwark London.
'For the fallen' was well received at Exeter Cathedral for the civic service of Remembrance and Armistice Day concert by the cathedral choir in Nov 2014. 'In memoriam; Ricardus Rex' was sung at several of the big services held in Leicester, Mar 2015 for the re-interment of King Richard III. These included highly acclaimed performances during the Requiem led by the Archbishop of Westminster and in Leicester Cathedral. 'I will make all things new' was sung during the second anniversary Dedication Service for the Transitional Cathedral, Christchurch NZ, 2016. The cathedral choir was joined by lay clerks from Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. 'O magnum mysterium' has been performed on a number of occasions by the University of Exeter Chapel choir including at St Paul's Cathedral during a service to commemorate Her Majesty the Queen's 90th birthday during their summer 2016 tour of Malta. More recently, 'Missa Brevis choro auxiliari Wellensi' has been sung several times at Sunday eucharist in Wells Cathedral. My music was also performed at the 2017 Spoleto Festival USA by The King's Counterpoint and the 2017 Brandenburg Choral Festival in the City of London by the Fisher Consort. Also, at the Gloucester Music Festival 2018 by Gaudeamus in Gloucester Cathedral. My 'Latin Canticles', 'Missa cantoribus viatoribus', ‘O tu suavissima virga’ and ‘O Lord, our lord’ were sung at services in Canterbury Cathedral (2018 and 2022).
I was commissioned to compose several well received works for the City of Gloucester's Jun 2018 commemorations marking the 1100th anniversary of the death of Queen Aethelflaed (daughter of Alfred the Great) who laid the foundations for the creation of England as it is today. 'O glorious Prince St Michael' was composed for the 150th anniversary of the consecration of St Michael and all Angels Mt Dinham Exeter, Sep 2018. The anthem 'In my Father's House' was composed for the re-opening of St John's Glastonbury following a major refurbishment project completed Feb 2020. ​
A list of performances can be found on this site, mostly involving choirs I'm in regular contact with but it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of all performances as my music becomes more widely performed. The 2020 pandemic disrupted what had promised to be a busy year of premieres and cathedral performances. Several of these had been announced in music schedules and concert programs while others were in the advanced stages of being confirmed. Most have now received performances while others are being rescheduled for 2023.
Jan, 2023