Settings of Evening Canticles and Preces & Responses
Latin Canticles (Canterbury Service) - Magnificat (2018)
My soul doth magnify the Lord
Performances: The King's Counterpoint. Venues: Canterbury Cathedral.
World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Evensong, Canterbury Cathedral, Aug 8th 2018.
Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. May 2018.
Latin Canticles (Canterbury Service) - Nunc dimittis (2018)
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Performances: The King's Counterpoint. Venues: Canterbury Cathedral.
World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Evensong, Canterbury Cathedral. Aug 8th 2018.
Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. May 2018.
Preces and Responses (Set II) (2021)
Responses and The Lord's Prayer
Performances: ('The Lord's Prayer' only) In Ecclesia Exon. Venues: Exeter Cathedral.
World premiere ('The Lord's Prayer' only): In Ecclesia Exon, dir Dr Neil A Page. Evensong, Exeter Cathedral. Feb 26th 2022.
World premiere ('The Lord's Prayer' only): In Ecclesia Exon, dir Dr Neil A Page. Evensong, Exeter Cathedral. Feb 2nd 2022.
Recordings: 'Voces separatae' CD (various artists) Willowhayne Records WHR077CD.
This recording: Kinnison Choral. Feb 2022.
Score: Published by Chichester Music Press.
Psalm 69Â (2016)
Save me O God
SATB (and organ)
Performances: The King's Counterpoint. Venues: Wells Cathedral.
World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres, organist Paul Thomas. Evensong, Wells Cathedral. Jul 13th 2016.
This recording: As above.
U of E Service - Magnificat (2016)
My soul doth magnify the Lord
SATB with div and organ
Performances: University of Exeter Chapel Choir. Venues: Mary Harris Chapel University of Exeter.
World premiere: University of Exeter Chapel Choir, dir Michael Graham, organist Harry Sullivan, soloist Jess Brown. Evensong, Mary Harris Chapel University of Exeter. Nov 15th 2017.
Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Jun 2018.
U of E Service - Nunc dimittis (2016)
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
SATB with div and organ
Performances: University of Exeter Chapel Choir. Venues: Mary Harris Chapel University of Exeter.
World premiere: University of Exeter Chapel Choir, dir Michael Graham, organist Harry Sullivan. Evensong, Mary Harris Chapel University of Exeter. Nov 15th 2017.
Recordings: 'Guardian of Heaven' CD (Cantate) EM Records EMRCD061.
This recording: Cantate, dir Zoltan Pad. Budapest. Jun 2018.
Preces and Responses Part I
(2013, revd 2015)
O Lord, open thou thy lips
Performances: Choir of St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI, The King's Counterpoint. Venues: Various including Wells Cathedral.
World premiere (earlier ed): Choir of St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI, dir Dr Stephen White. Evensong, St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI. Mar 2nd 2014.
World premiere (this revd ed): The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Evensong, Wells Cathedral. Jul 11th 2016.
This recording: As above.
Preces and Responses Part II (2013, revd 2015)
including The Lord's Prayer
Performances: Choir of St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI, The King's Counterpoint. Venues: Various including Wells Cathedral.
World premiere (earlier ed): Choir of St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI, dir Dr Stephen White. Evensong, St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI. Mar 2nd 2014.
World premiere (this revd ed): The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres. Evensong, Wells Cathedral. Jul 11th 2016.
This recording: As above.
St Thomas Service - Magnificat (2019)
My soul doth magnify the Lord
Upper or lower voices and organ
Performances: Gentlemen of St Thomas Episcopal Church Choir Battle Creek MI, upper voices choir St Michael and All Angels Mount Dinham Exeter.
Venues: St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI, St Michael & All Angels Mt Dinham Exeter.
World premiere (lower voices ed): Choir of St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI, dir and organist Dr Stephen White. Evensong, St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI. Mar 2nd 2014.
This recording (upper voices ed): Choir of St Michael & All Angels Mt Dinham Exeter, dir Natasha Goldsworth, organist Matthew Clark. Evensong, St Michael & All Angels Mt Dinham Exeter. Oct 4th, 2020.
St Thomas Service - Nunc dimittis (2019)
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Upper or lower voices and organ
Performances: Gentlemen of St Thomas Episcopal Church Choir Battle Creek MI, upper voices choir St Michael and All Angels Mount Dinham Exeter.
VVenues: St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI, St Michael & All Angels Mt Dinham Exeter.
World premiere (lower voices ed): Choir of St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI, dir and organist Dr Stephen White. Evensong, St Thomas Episcopal Church Battle Creek MI. Mar 2nd 2014.
This recording (upper voices ed): Choir of St Michael & All Angels Mt Dinham Exeter, dir Natasha Goldsworth, organist Matthew Clark. Evensong, St Michael & All Angels Mt Dinham Exeter. Oct 4th, 2020.
Charleston Service - Magnificat (2010)
My soul doth magnify the Lord
SATB with div and organ
Performances: The King's Counterpoint. Venues: Wells Cathedral.
World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres, organist Paul Thomas. Evensong, Wells Cathedral. Jul 13th 2016.
This recording: As above.
Charleston Service - Nunc dimittis (2010)
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
SATB with div and organ
Performances: The King's Counterpoint. Venues: Wells Cathedral.
World premiere: The King's Counterpoint, dir David Acres, organist Paul Thomas. Evensong, Wells Cathedral. Jul 13th 2016.
This recording: As above.